Week 1 – Jose’s Training Manual

Jose’s Training Manual

I just hired Jose; he was our intern and recently graduated in December 2020 from Santa Fe College with a Bachelor’s degree in accounting.  Jose is ready to begin his career and fortunately he enjoyed our firm so much he decided to stay. Although he knows very little about nonprofits he is very eager to expand his knowledge about them. Which is what we do.  Nonprofits.

He was working on an accounting project for one of our clients.  I was trying to explain what information was important to capture for the Form 990.  I mentioned to him that this client was a 501(c)(7) and immediately realized he didn’t know what a 501(c)(7) or what 501(c) meant. What are they teaching these kids in school nowadays?  

I realized that Jose needed some training.  Don’t we all.

I have decided to give him that training and to share it with all of you.  Welcome to Jose’s Training Manual.

Each week I will post one lesson related to what we do here at Kattell and Company.  These will be entry-level lessons on accounting, auditing, and tax compliance for not-for-profit organizations.  Quick, simple, easy to understand.

The goal is to get Jose trained up so he can serve our clients with knowledge and confidence.  I hope you also benefit from these lessons.  As always, your feedback is appreciated.

Kattell Company